Frank's Journal

~ Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Tuesday-June 21, 2011

I plan to return to Phoenix, Arizona during the week of August 29, 2011. I should arrive around the first of September, 2011. I plan to only carry things packed in my car.

I will be the only one going down. I will probably go down through the Tri-Cities, WA, then through the Blue Mountains, OR (I-82) and then to Twins Falls, ID (I-82)
and then to Salt Lake City, UT and then follow I-15 to Cove Fort, UT, and then via I-70 to US-89 and follow US-89 to Arizona and then follow I-89 to Flagstaff, AZ and then follow I-17 to Phoenix, AZ. It's about a trip of 1,450 miles and three stops for sleep.

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